A Japanese term for individuals who cannot maintain societal relationships, although their conditions do not classify as mental or physical illness. In the majority of cases, individuals shut themselves into their rooms within their homes for 6 months or longer. Hikikomori is a major societal problem in Japan, estimated to affect nearly 410,000 people. Further, 80% of all hikikomori are reported to be males. Hikikomori has been reported in other countries such as Korea, Taiwan and the U.K, but Japan is the only country reporting the problem on such a large-scale.
身体疾患・精神疾患で無いにもかかわらず社会的関係を築かない状態のことを指す日本語。 多くの場合は自宅の自室に閉じこもる。 日本でのひきこもりは41万人と推定されていて、大きな社会問題になっている。 男性が8割を占めるのもこの現象の大きな特徴である。 ひきこもりが確認されている国は日本・韓国・台湾・イギリスなどであるが、大規模に確認されているのは日本のみである。
Gender disparities
Percentages of individuals who have experienced futoko
When generated hikikomori phenomenon?
Epidemiologic Survey(2002) as part of the WMH
Psychiatric Diagnoses for Hikikomori (WHM)
Investigation of hikikomori(Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 2016)
Study / Discussion
Definition of Hikikomori
"Social withdrawal" and "Shakaiseki Hikikomori"
Hikikomori is not a diagnosis of psychiatry
Semantic change of Hikikomori
Lecturer(Osaka University)
Ph.D.(Humam Science)
Major:Sociology(Deviance theory / Hikikomori / futoko), Psychiatry(Social Functioning)

Book(collective writing)
Let's Solve Japan's Difficulties- Economy, Politics, Education, Social security, Energy
E-Mail: doingsociologically [atmark] gmail.com
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